4th session of the PAREC Steering Committee
"Last August, the third ordinary session of the PAREC Steering Committee was held. On the occasion, we noted with real satisfaction that all the results of the first year of the Programme have been achieved, namely the development of the strategies of the seven (07) pillars of Component 1 and the implementation manuals of Performance-Based Financing (PBF).
In addition, the mid-term review of the implementation of the 2021 Action Plan (January-August 2021) was presented. It reveals a physical execution rate of planned activities, as of August 15, 2021 of the order of 45%."
This is an excerpt from the speech of Professor Laurent Serge ETOUNDI NGOA, President of the Steering Committee of the Support Program for the Reform of Education in Cameroon (PAREC), during the 4th ordinary session of the said Committee held at the Mont Febe Hotel on Thursday, November 25, 2021.
The main objective of this session was to validate and adopt the ParEC Annual Budgeted Work Plan (ABP) for the year 2022.
It was in the presence of the 22 members and the invited project managers of this committee.