From Monday, August 16 to Friday, August 20, 2020 at Ebolowa-Hotel Florence, the teacher training workshop was held on the design and development of content and training plans for concepts related to education in emergency situations.

As part of the Cameroon World Bank Cooperation, MINEDUB, through the Cameroon Education Reform Project, through its various components, has developed action plans and defined the activities to be carried out to achieve the project's objectives.
The "Refugees" sub-component, "Supporting the Delivery of Quality Education in Refugee Reception Areas," aims primarily to help provide quality education to all children in refugee-hosting areas. This means taking into account measures to ensure that all school-age children in selected municipalities in refugee-hosting areas have access to quality and inclusive education through the improved teaching and learning environment.
For quality education to be provided in the selected areas, it is imperative to strengthen the capacity of education actors on concepts related to education in emergency situations.


Programme d'Appui à la Réforme de l'Education au Cameroun


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